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The Business PowerZone offers multiple formats for career-spanning learning at different levels of complexity.

Classroom: Growth Leadership

The six-part series “Leadership for Growth” (Leadership for Growth 1-6) from Business PowerZone focuses on self-leadership, building constructive and strategic relationships with others, taking responsibility for your professional mission, and realizing your personal career goals.

Class 1 - Personal Success Navigator

#Mindset #Dynamics #Relationship #Yourself

Class 2 - Career Essentials

#Career Plan #Career Plan #Career Plan

Class 3 - Leadership Foundation

#Leadership #Basics #Tools #Overview

Class 4 - Lead Yourself

#Awareness #Confidence #LeadershipStyle #Feedback

Class 5 - Lead Others

#Teamplay #GiveAndTake #Influence #Credibility

Class 6 - Lead Mission

#Performance #Stakeholder #Collaboration #Stand-Out

Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring

The transformation process towards becoming a leader with influence starts with building knowledge. However, this alone is not enough. It requires continuous and enormously empathetic support in the form of coaching, mentoring and consulting. As trained and experienced coaches, we offer a comprehensive and proven toolkit to make this growth as effective as possible. Find out more in a personal chat about our challenge management.

If you have any further questions or a specific request, we look forward to hearing from you.

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Mentoring Lounge

In our classroom, we cover all the essential elements required for a smooth transition to the future state that each individual has set as their goal. Regularly reflecting and turning actions into reality become a cornerstone of the expected success. With our Mentoring Lounge, we have a stage for all the questions that arise during this process.
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